“That's the thing about books. They let you travel without moving your feet.”
― Jhumpa Lahiri

Books are portable magic like films. We realize their power especially during the times of COVID 19 lockdown in India. However, we have books to transport us to the beautiful destinations of our country and the globe. Quintessentially, travel books help us exploring the world so vividly created by various writers. For instance, you might be sitting in your armchair in Mumbai and a good travel book may take you to jungle of Amazon or to Madurai in an instant. That's how magical books can be!

With work from home and some time that you have on hand, we got a few gems of travel books to recommend you! Especially, for a true blue travel lover, these travel books would provide some solace.

Travel Books to Read Up to Quench the Wanderlust

books for a travel lover

Photo by Yoal Desurmont on Unsplash

Chasing the Monsoon: A Modern Pilgrimage through India by Alexander Frater

Through this book, the writer follows the madness of monsoon and sometimes takes over it. This makes you fall in love with the rains. It makes you believe how magical it is especially when it experienced across India. The writer's journey also takes him to Bangkok, Thai-Malaysian border and it makes you fall in love with adventures all over again.

Photo by Annelies Geneyn on Unsplash

Into to the Wild by Jon Krakauer

Be it through self-discovery or the quest for something sublime in life, Jon Krauker changed the meaning of travel and life through his book. As a young college graduate, through Into the Wild, he takes us on the journey of the wilderness of America. This book soothes you, breaks your heart but also tells you how life-changing travel is!

On the Road by Jack Kerouac

As a travel lover, you might have already heard a lot about this book. Staying true to the romance of the road, the writer has penned his heart out in this. The chronicles of the writer across the United States along with the backdrop of heartwarming poetry and jazz makes it compelling for the reader to finish it one go.

Photo by Andy Abelein on Unsplash

The Shooting Star: A Girl, Her Backpack and the World by Shivya Nath

Wouldn't you love to read the story of a self-made woman who gave it all up to travel? Well, Shivya sublimely writes about her journeys through the rainforests of Amazon, Himalayan villages, and many other countries. Her chronicles are not only heart hitting but they also nudge you to discover yourself through travel and adopt a minimalistic lifestyle.

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Wild by Cheryl Strayed

If you have always been a travel lover who lives for trekking, then this memoir by Cheryl Strayed will appeal to you for sure. It describes her journey through the Pacific Crest Trail. She hiked for around 1100 miles. This true account of her self-discovery will touch your heart for sure.

The Great Railway Bazaar by Paul Theroux

Although published in 1975, this book on Paul's journey through Asia, Middle-East, Indian subcontinent, and Southeast Asia is still relevant. For a travel lover who has a soft corner for rail journeys, this book would be like a balm on the wounds in the times of COVID 19 lockdown.

travel books that you must read

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

If It's Monday It Must Be Madurai: A Conducted Tour of India by Srinath Perur

Have you always found conducted tours to be amusing? Well, with his wit and sarcasm, this book by Srinath Perur will tickle your funnybones all the more. It wonderfully narrates the adventure of Srinath across India through a conducted tour. If you want to read a travel book that is breezy yet striking, do not miss it.

City of Djinns by William Dalyrymple

If the city of Delhi always mesmerized you then City of Djinns would be an unforgettable read for you. Although it is quintessentially not a travel book, the way it describes Delhi and the way it takes to its streets, historical monuments, bazaars, and its history is simply fascinating. And it will grow on any travel lover, any day.

travel books to read

Photo by Aliis Sinisalu on Unsplash

Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

Italy, Indonesia, and India? Would you want to experience the magic of all of them while sitting at home? Read this book then! It is all about a woman's journey to discover herself by living in three different countries over a year. While its movie was watchable, the book is better. For a heartfelt, funny account on life and travel, give this book your time.

Vagabonding: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel by Rolf Potts

Always juggled this idea about traveling full-time? Well, this book might just change your life then! Right from embarking on a serious overseas trip, managing finances till making a life while being in love with the road: this book is a treasure trove. Make sure you read it if traveling full-time is always on your mind!


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