
“Travel brings power and love back into your life.”
― Rumi Jalalud-Din

Almost like nectar that seeps beauty and joy in flowers, travel keeps us alive. The banality of life keeps us dragging to the obvious, mediocre stuff that we need to deal with on a daily basis. A trip here, an exploration elsewhere helps you with a great perspective on living and our purpose.

The Therapy of Travel

Unlike what society tells us, we are not simply born to be a child, an adult, and die one day. Travel makes us experience that. It opens up our mind to the infinite possibilities, the newness of life.

“Travel far enough, you meet yourself.”

― David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas

Travel is very important for everyone to experience life as it is. By walking on the roads that are untouched, going close to Nature, we get to meet a version of ourselves that we have never known before. 

Discover Yourself Through Travel

You might be earning the best salary in the world, living in the most luxurious home, might just have that special someone in your life but if you have not traveled somewhere far, chances are that you have experienced the true beauty of life and existence.

So, go to that hidden gem, unwind in the silent and soothing company of flora, fauna and just go meet your true self.

At Yuyiii, we have listed many such hidden gems and information for the same is available through their genuine videos and photos, so I feel if you are on a look-out for some offbeat place then do visit our website to plan a weekend getaway once the COVID 19 lockdown is over.

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“Travel brings power and love back into your life.”
― Rumi Jalalud-Din

Almost like nectar that seeps beauty and joy in flowers, travel keeps us alive. The banality of life keeps us dragging to the obvious, mediocre stuff that we need to deal with on a daily basis. A trip here, an exploration elsewhere helps you with a great perspective on living and our purpose.

The Therapy of Travel

Unlike what society tells us, we are not simply born to be a child, an adult, and die one day. Travel makes us experience that. It opens up our mind to the infinite possibilities, the newness of life.

“Travel far enough, you meet yourself.”

― David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas

Travel is very important for everyone to experience life as it is. By walking on the roads that are untouched, going close to Nature, we get to meet a version of ourselves that we have never known before. 

Discover Yourself Through Travel

You might be earning the best salary in the world, living in the most luxurious home, might just have that special someone in your life but if you have not traveled somewhere far, chances are that you have experienced the true beauty of life and existence.

So, go to that hidden gem, unwind in the silent and soothing company of flora, fauna and just go meet your true self.

At Yuyiii, we have listed many such hidden gems and information for the same is available through their genuine videos and photos, so I feel if you are on a look-out for some offbeat place then do visit our website to plan a weekend getaway once the COVID 19 lockdown is over.

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“That’s the thing about books. They let you travel without moving your feet.”
― Jhumpa Lahiri

Books are portable magic like films. We realize their power especially during the times of COVID 19 lockdown in India. However, we have books to transport us to the beautiful destinations of our country and the globe. Quintessentially, travel books help us exploring the world so vividly created by various writers. For instance, you might be sitting in your armchair in Mumbai and a good travel book may take you to jungle of Amazon or to Madurai in an instant. That’s how magical books can be!

With work from home and some time that you have on hand, we got a few gems of travel books to recommend you! Especially, for a true blue travel lover, these travel books would provide some solace.

Travel Books to Read Up to Quench the Wanderlust

Photo by Yoal Desurmont on Unsplash

Chasing the Monsoon: A Modern Pilgrimage through India by Alexander Frater

Through this book, the writer follows the madness of monsoon and sometimes takes over it. This makes you fall in love with the rains. It makes you believe how magical it is especially when it experienced across India. The writer’s journey also takes him to Bangkok, Thai-Malaysian border and it makes you fall in love with adventures all over again.

Photo by Annelies Geneyn on Unsplash

Into to the Wild by Jon Krakauer

Be it through self-discovery or the quest for something sublime in life, Jon Krauker changed the meaning of travel and life through his book. As a young college graduate, through Into the Wild, he takes us on the journey of the wilderness of America. This book soothes you, breaks your heart but also tells you how life-changing travel is!

On the Road by Jack Kerouac

As a travel lover, you might have already heard a lot about this book. Staying true to the romance of the road, the writer has penned his heart out in this. The chronicles of the writer across the United States along with the backdrop of heartwarming poetry and jazz makes it compelling for the reader to finish it one go.

Photo by Andy Abelein on Unsplash

The Shooting Star: A Girl, Her Backpack and the World by Shivya Nath

Wouldn’t you love to read the story of a self-made woman who gave it all up to travel? Well, Shivya sublimely writes about her journeys through the rainforests of Amazon, Himalayan villages, and many other countries. Her chronicles are not only heart hitting but they also nudge you to discover yourself through travel and adopt a minimalistic lifestyle.

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Wild by Cheryl Strayed

If you have always been a travel lover who lives for trekking, then this memoir by Cheryl Strayed will appeal to you for sure. It describes her journey through the Pacific Crest Trail. She hiked for around 1100 miles. This true account of her self-discovery will touch your heart for sure.

The Great Railway Bazaar by Paul Theroux

Although published in 1975, this book on Paul’s journey through Asia, Middle-East, Indian subcontinent, and Southeast Asia is still relevant. For a travel lover who has a soft corner for rail journeys, this book would be like a balm on the wounds in the times of COVID 19 lockdown.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

If It’s Monday It Must Be Madurai: A Conducted Tour of India by Srinath Perur

Have you always found conducted tours to be amusing? Well, with his wit and sarcasm, this book by Srinath Perur will tickle your funnybones all the more. It wonderfully narrates the adventure of Srinath across India through a conducted tour. If you want to read a travel book that is breezy yet striking, do not miss it.

City of Djinns by William Dalyrymple

If the city of Delhi always mesmerized you then City of Djinns would be an unforgettable read for you. Although it is quintessentially not a travel book, the way it describes Delhi and the way it takes to its streets, historical monuments, bazaars, and its history is simply fascinating. And it will grow on any travel lover, any day.

Photo by Aliis Sinisalu on Unsplash

Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

Italy, Indonesia, and India? Would you want to experience the magic of all of them while sitting at home? Read this book then! It is all about a woman’s journey to discover herself by living in three different countries over a year. While its movie was watchable, the book is better. For a heartfelt, funny account on life and travel, give this book your time.

Vagabonding: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel by Rolf Potts

Always juggled this idea about traveling full-time? Well, this book might just change your life then! Right from embarking on a serious overseas trip, managing finances till making a life while being in love with the road: this book is a treasure trove. Make sure you read it if traveling full-time is always on your mind!

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“That’s the thing about books. They let you travel without moving your feet.”
― Jhumpa Lahiri

Books are portable magic like films. We realize their power especially during the times of COVID 19 lockdown in India. However, we have books to transport us to the beautiful destinations of our country and the globe. Quintessentially, travel books help us exploring the world so vividly created by various writers. For instance, you might be sitting in your armchair in Mumbai and a good travel book may take you to jungle of Amazon or to Madurai in an instant. That’s how magical books can be!

With work from home and some time that you have on hand, we got a few gems of travel books to recommend you! Especially, for a true blue travel lover, these travel books would provide some solace.

Travel Books to Read Up to Quench the Wanderlust

Photo by Yoal Desurmont on Unsplash

Chasing the Monsoon: A Modern Pilgrimage through India by Alexander Frater

Through this book, the writer follows the madness of monsoon and sometimes takes over it. This makes you fall in love with the rains. It makes you believe how magical it is especially when it experienced across India. The writer’s journey also takes him to Bangkok, Thai-Malaysian border and it makes you fall in love with adventures all over again.

Photo by Annelies Geneyn on Unsplash

Into to the Wild by Jon Krakauer

Be it through self-discovery or the quest for something sublime in life, Jon Krauker changed the meaning of travel and life through his book. As a young college graduate, through Into the Wild, he takes us on the journey of the wilderness of America. This book soothes you, breaks your heart but also tells you how life-changing travel is!

On the Road by Jack Kerouac

As a travel lover, you might have already heard a lot about this book. Staying true to the romance of the road, the writer has penned his heart out in this. The chronicles of the writer across the United States along with the backdrop of heartwarming poetry and jazz makes it compelling for the reader to finish it one go.

Photo by Andy Abelein on Unsplash

The Shooting Star: A Girl, Her Backpack and the World by Shivya Nath

Wouldn’t you love to read the story of a self-made woman who gave it all up to travel? Well, Shivya sublimely writes about her journeys through the rainforests of Amazon, Himalayan villages, and many other countries. Her chronicles are not only heart hitting but they also nudge you to discover yourself through travel and adopt a minimalistic lifestyle.

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Wild by Cheryl Strayed

If you have always been a travel lover who lives for trekking, then this memoir by Cheryl Strayed will appeal to you for sure. It describes her journey through the Pacific Crest Trail. She hiked for around 1100 miles. This true account of her self-discovery will touch your heart for sure.

The Great Railway Bazaar by Paul Theroux

Although published in 1975, this book on Paul’s journey through Asia, Middle-East, Indian subcontinent, and Southeast Asia is still relevant. For a travel lover who has a soft corner for rail journeys, this book would be like a balm on the wounds in the times of COVID 19 lockdown.

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

If It’s Monday It Must Be Madurai: A Conducted Tour of India by Srinath Perur

Have you always found conducted tours to be amusing? Well, with his wit and sarcasm, this book by Srinath Perur will tickle your funnybones all the more. It wonderfully narrates the adventure of Srinath across India through a conducted tour. If you want to read a travel book that is breezy yet striking, do not miss it.

City of Djinns by William Dalyrymple

If the city of Delhi always mesmerized you then City of Djinns would be an unforgettable read for you. Although it is quintessentially not a travel book, the way it describes Delhi and the way it takes to its streets, historical monuments, bazaars, and its history is simply fascinating. And it will grow on any travel lover, any day.

Photo by Aliis Sinisalu on Unsplash

Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

Italy, Indonesia, and India? Would you want to experience the magic of all of them while sitting at home? Read this book then! It is all about a woman’s journey to discover herself by living in three different countries over a year. While its movie was watchable, the book is better. For a heartfelt, funny account on life and travel, give this book your time.

Vagabonding: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel by Rolf Potts

Always juggled this idea about traveling full-time? Well, this book might just change your life then! Right from embarking on a serious overseas trip, managing finances till making a life while being in love with the road: this book is a treasure trove. Make sure you read it if traveling full-time is always on your mind!

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“For in every adult there dwells the child that was, and in every child there lies the adult that will be.”
― John Connolly

Image by Tuhin khamaru from Pixabay

We might have become adults. But, somewhere in all of us, there lives a child. The child that sparks up at the small joys of life, feels ecstatic at the thought of an adventure. Life may have grown us up, but that wish to relive our childhood with nostalgia that always nudges us. And while we are at it, what better than walking down the memory lane of traveling as a carefree kid?

In the name of those good old days, let’s rewind and relive those memories that were made in trains with siblings, on the road trips that made you fall in love with travel.

Treasure Trove of Childhood Travel Memories

Photo by Etienne Boulanger on Unsplash

Adjusting the Seat during Night Travel in Train

The thought of cozily sleeping on a makeshift seat in a fast train excited all of us, didn’t it? For us, adjusting the middle berth or the side lower always feels good. It triggers so many memories even now when we are adults who travel by air because it is affordable now!

Relishing Mom made Delicacies in Train

Be it samosas, sandwiches or the roti, sabzi, mom’s food tasted way heavenly while you were on a train. Oh, the aroma of those piping hot tiffins that mom so neatly packed, enjoying the food while sitting by the window seat is still cherished by most of us!

Waiting for Holidays to visit Hill Stations or Grandparents’ Homes

Image by antriksh kumar from Pixabay

Be it Diwali holidays or the summer vacation, we all have been there and waited for them to head away from home. We so waited to visit our grandparents. Or maybe head to a hill station or just relax at a weekend getaway? It was all such a luxury back then!

Fighting with Your Cousin/Sibling for the Window Seat

A window seat was our throne. All of us as kids felt entitled to them. After all, this seat offered the best views! So whether you got your “throne” by the window or not, it was all worth the fight during the journeys.

Eagerly Packing all your New Clothes to get some Great Photos on the Trip

The photos taken during a trip were some of the best photos of our childhood! Weren’t they? So, packing those new clothes for them continues to be the most joyful memories for many of us.

Looking at the Trees, clouds from the window of your car, train and feel as if they are moving

We felt one with the world while looking at trees, moon and clouds while looking at them from a moving train or car. We got you there, right? As a child, this opened up your imagination and made you smile ear to ear.

Buying Snacks from the Railway Canteen

Photo by Subhayan Das on Unsplash

The mom made food was always great but that treat of bread butter and cutlet from the rail canteen was delish always! Oh, and didn’t we gorge on those samosas, kachori, bun maska sold by the station side thelas? Hygiene aside, don’t you still feel like eating them on your rail journeys as an adult, eh?

Loudly Playing Antakshari and Dumb Charades in the train

Photo by Eddy Billard on Unsplash

Is any childhood travel memory ever complete without the mention of Antakshari? Playing it with co-passengers during your train journey was a joy of another world. And doesn’t it still make you smile for singing all the songs at the top of your voice that too on a train?

Listening to the Stories of fellow Travelers

Be it gossips or the shopping tips shared by fellow passengers, those stories from strangers sparked your curiosity. And in often cases made you more empathetic and humanly. Not to mention how it also sparked new friendships as a kid, right?

Getting Scared if your Mom or Dad got down at a station while you are sitting in the train

While it appeared like a nightmare back them, now this memory just makes you smile. Remember those heart pangs that you felt when your mom or dad went to bring something at the station. Well, for most of us this still feels the same during our journeys!

Properly Counting your Baggage while Onboarding and Getting Down from the Train

Photo by Erwan Hesry on Unsplash

Counting the bags with parents while starting and ending the journey made us feel like grown ups, even though for a few seconds. Not to mention how tying it all up with the steel chain and lock still feels so natural!

Trying to Read the Name of the Stations while the Train is Speeding by

Image by LushLitBlog from Pixabay

It still remains like that, right? Don’t we all still helplessly try to check the stations’ names and mentally challenge ourselves? Somewhere between being that kid who never waited to reach the station and a young adult who impatiently did, we all grew up!

Passing by the Tunnels during the Train and by Road Journey

Photo by Ajju Chandmare on Unsplash

Tunnels always seemed magical to us as kids. Looking at them from a distance and waiting to pass through them felt like butterflies in the stomach! Also, seeing the light at of the end of those tunnels is something that still gives us hope, doesn’t it?

Checking your Name on the Reservation Chart with your Parents

Photo by Kushal Medhi on Unsplash

Ever found yourself panicking as a kid for not seeing your name on the reservation chart of Indian Railways? Ha, well that history repeats with us all even as adults. But, it never fails to make us smile because we are still those kids at heart, no?

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“For in every adult there dwells the child that was, and in every child there lies the adult that will be.”
― John Connolly

Image by Tuhin khamaru from Pixabay

We might have become adults. But, somewhere in all of us, there lives a child. The child that sparks up at the small joys of life, feels ecstatic at the thought of an adventure. Life may have grown us up, but that wish to relive our childhood with nostalgia that always nudges us. And while we are at it, what better than walking down the memory lane of traveling as a carefree kid?

In the name of those good old days, let’s rewind and relive those memories that were made in trains with siblings, on the road trips that made you fall in love with travel.

Treasure Trove of Childhood Travel Memories

Photo by Etienne Boulanger on Unsplash

Adjusting the Seat during Night Travel in Train

The thought of cozily sleeping on a makeshift seat in a fast train excited all of us, didn’t it? For us, adjusting the middle berth or the side lower always feels good. It triggers so many memories even now when we are adults who travel by air because it is affordable now!

Relishing Mom made Delicacies in Train

Be it samosas, sandwiches or the roti, sabzi, mom’s food tasted way heavenly while you were on a train. Oh, the aroma of those piping hot tiffins that mom so neatly packed, enjoying the food while sitting by the window seat is still cherished by most of us!

Waiting for Holidays to visit Hill Stations or Grandparents’ Homes

Image by antriksh kumar from Pixabay

Be it Diwali holidays or the summer vacation, we all have been there and waited for them to head away from home. We so waited to visit our grandparents. Or maybe head to a hill station or just relax at a weekend getaway? It was all such a luxury back then!

Fighting with Your Cousin/Sibling for the Window Seat

A window seat was our throne. All of us as kids felt entitled to them. After all, this seat offered the best views! So whether you got your “throne” by the window or not, it was all worth the fight during the journeys.

Eagerly Packing all your New Clothes to get some Great Photos on the Trip

The photos taken during a trip were some of the best photos of our childhood! Weren’t they? So, packing those new clothes for them continues to be the most joyful memories for many of us.

Looking at the Trees, clouds from the window of your car, train and feel as if they are moving

We felt one with the world while looking at trees, moon and clouds while looking at them from a moving train or car. We got you there, right? As a child, this opened up your imagination and made you smile ear to ear.

Buying Snacks from the Railway Canteen

Photo by Subhayan Das on Unsplash

The mom made food was always great but that treat of bread butter and cutlet from the rail canteen was delish always! Oh, and didn’t we gorge on those samosas, kachori, bun maska sold by the station side thelas? Hygiene aside, don’t you still feel like eating them on your rail journeys as an adult, eh?

Loudly Playing Antakshari and Dumb Charades in the train

Photo by Eddy Billard on Unsplash

Is any childhood travel memory ever complete without the mention of Antakshari? Playing it with co-passengers during your train journey was a joy of another world. And doesn’t it still make you smile for singing all the songs at the top of your voice that too on a train?

Listening to the Stories of fellow Travelers

Be it gossips or the shopping tips shared by fellow passengers, those stories from strangers sparked your curiosity. And in often cases made you more empathetic and humanly. Not to mention how it also sparked new friendships as a kid, right?

Getting Scared if your Mom or Dad got down at a station while you are sitting in the train

While it appeared like a nightmare back them, now this memory just makes you smile. Remember those heart pangs that you felt when your mom or dad went to bring something at the station. Well, for most of us this still feels the same during our journeys!

Properly Counting your Baggage while Onboarding and Getting Down from the Train

Photo by Erwan Hesry on Unsplash

Counting the bags with parents while starting and ending the journey made us feel like grown ups, even though for a few seconds. Not to mention how tying it all up with the steel chain and lock still feels so natural!

Trying to Read the Name of the Stations while the Train is Speeding by

Image by LushLitBlog from Pixabay

It still remains like that, right? Don’t we all still helplessly try to check the stations’ names and mentally challenge ourselves? Somewhere between being that kid who never waited to reach the station and a young adult who impatiently did, we all grew up!

Passing by the Tunnels during the Train and by Road Journey

Photo by Ajju Chandmare on Unsplash

Tunnels always seemed magical to us as kids. Looking at them from a distance and waiting to pass through them felt like butterflies in the stomach! Also, seeing the light at of the end of those tunnels is something that still gives us hope, doesn’t it?

Checking your Name on the Reservation Chart with your Parents

Photo by Kushal Medhi on Unsplash

Ever found yourself panicking as a kid for not seeing your name on the reservation chart of Indian Railways? Ha, well that history repeats with us all even as adults. But, it never fails to make us smile because we are still those kids at heart, no?

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Traveling after the COVID 19 lockdown is something that all of us are looking forward to! However, there are so many prognostications around it. That’s why it is difficult to get some clarity in the chaos.

Predictions About Travel after COVID 19 Lockdown

According to World Economic Forum, International travel is majorly going to get disrupted. But, most importantly, according to Travel Perk, a prominent business travel company, domestic air travel would also take its time until October 2020 to get back on track.

These are the predictions for first world countries. Thankfully, in India, the situation might improve sooner or later, and if nothing at all, at least local, weekend road trips would rejuvenate itself. Because, after such a long, spiritual summer of COVID 19 lockdown in India, everyone wants to go for a weekend getaway

Local Tourism in India after the Corona Outbreak is Contained

In India, many properties have started to follow the standard operating procedures for safety and sanitization like Mariott International.  Travelers will prefer stays that are away from city centers, have fewer rooms so that Social Distancing can be practiced. Also, Travellers will prefer Individual Cottage kind of rooms rather than rooms in building-block format. Many of our hidden gems, weekend getaways near Mumbai and Pune are no exception. The indie travel industry and local tourism veterans have become cognizant of the same. The hotels, resorts, homestays are getting ready to provide the best experience to the guests. Slowly and steadily, they are trying to bring on board sanitization consultants, companies.

The good news is that there are many resorts near Mumbai, Pune, that are spacious and well-maintained. Most of them house less than 20 rooms on their premises. Thereby, they would maintain social distancing.

Also, with proper training of the staff, meticulous sanitization of their properties and putting safety protocols in place, they would be equipped to host the guests.

Safe and Sanitized Hidden Gems that You May Visit after the Lockdown is Over

At Yuyiii, we have been closely working with our patrons (weekend getaways, boutique resorts, luxury hotels). And we are elated to say that we are working towards a better tomorrow.

Therefore, we can recommend these hidden gems near Mumbai, Pune that would be safe to visit once the lockdown is over in India:

Scenic Treehouse Resort at Shendi

Treehouses are a rarity in Maharashtra and elsewhere. They make us nostalgic about our childhood dreams. Engulfed by trees wherever you see, the newly made cottages at this pacifying resort are one of its kind. Minimalistic yet uber comfortable, your stay here would be safe. Because this stay has started taking precautions already. Also, it is surrounded by nature. Therefore it would offer you the perfect nature bath that you need post the lockdown.

What is great about this stay? The treehouses there would make your stay magical. Additionally, the expanse and spaciousness of this stay open up your soul. You shall be able to truly unwind there.

Why should visit it? Because it is an ideal weekend getaway near Mumbai and Pune. Also, they employ local staff there to create a responsible ecosystem for tourism and guests. Your safety to them is paramount.

Yuyiii’s Travel Expert Rating for this Stay: 4.5/5

Check the detailed review, photos, and videos for this stay: Know More!

Heritage Stay at Saswad

Don’t we all love living like a royal even if it is just for the weekend? But what if we tell you that you can experience it all near Mumbai and is approachable from Pune as well. Plush rooms, mesmerizing Maratha hospitality, eye for hygiene, safety, sanitization, and the warmth of nature would rejuvenate here without a doubt.

What is great about this stay? Visiting this regal getaway near Pune would make you feel like a royal couple for sure. This stay boasts of the best of Maratha hospitality, hygiene, sanitization, adventure activities, so every moment that you spend there would be nothing less than legendary and memorable.

Why should you visit it? This stay is not only near Pune but even families from Mumbai agree that it is one of the best royal getaways that they have ever visited nearby them. The vintage architecture there evokes a feeling of old-world – isn’t that what you are looking forward to already after the lockdown? As one of the rare heritage properties, it is maintained so well and has nice spacious rooms, unlike some heritage properties which have very small and dingy rooms.

Yuyiii’s Travel Expert Rating for this Stay: 4.5/5

Check the detailed review, photos, and videos for this stay: Know More!

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Traveling after the COVID 19 lockdown is something that all of us are looking forward to! However, there are so many prognostications around it. That’s why it is difficult to get some clarity in the chaos.

Predictions About Travel after COVID 19 Lockdown

According to World Economic Forum, International travel is majorly going to get disrupted. But, most importantly, according to Travel Perk, a prominent business travel company, domestic air travel would also take its time until October 2020 to get back on track.

These are the predictions for first world countries. Thankfully, in India, the situation might improve sooner or later, and if nothing at all, at least local, weekend road trips would rejuvenate itself. Because, after such a long, spiritual summer of COVID 19 lockdown in India, everyone wants to go for a weekend getaway

Local Tourism in India after the Corona Outbreak is Contained

In India, many properties have started to follow the standard operating procedures for safety and sanitization like Mariott International.  Travelers will prefer stays that are away from city centers, have fewer rooms so that Social Distancing can be practiced. Also, Travellers will prefer Individual Cottage kind of rooms rather than rooms in building-block format. Many of our hidden gems, weekend getaways near Mumbai and Pune are no exception. The indie travel industry and local tourism veterans have become cognizant of the same. The hotels, resorts, homestays are getting ready to provide the best experience to the guests. Slowly and steadily, they are trying to bring on board sanitization consultants, companies.

The good news is that there are many resorts near Mumbai, Pune, that are spacious and well-maintained. Most of them house less than 20 rooms on their premises. Thereby, they would maintain social distancing.

Also, with proper training of the staff, meticulous sanitization of their properties and putting safety protocols in place, they would be equipped to host the guests.

Safe and Sanitized Hidden Gems that You May Visit after the Lockdown is Over

At Yuyiii, we have been closely working with our patrons (weekend getaways, boutique resorts, luxury hotels). And we are elated to say that we are working towards a better tomorrow.

Therefore, we can recommend these hidden gems near Mumbai, Pune that would be safe to visit once the lockdown is over in India:

Scenic Treehouse Resort at Shendi

Treehouses are a rarity in Maharashtra and elsewhere. They make us nostalgic about our childhood dreams. Engulfed by trees wherever you see, the newly made cottages at this pacifying resort are one of its kind. Minimalistic yet uber comfortable, your stay here would be safe. Because this stay has started taking precautions already. Also, it is surrounded by nature. Therefore it would offer you the perfect nature bath that you need post the lockdown.

What is great about this stay? The treehouses there would make your stay magical. Additionally, the expanse and spaciousness of this stay open up your soul. You shall be able to truly unwind there.

Why should visit it? Because it is an ideal weekend getaway near Mumbai and Pune. Also, they employ local staff there to create a responsible ecosystem for tourism and guests. Your safety to them is paramount.

Yuyiii’s Travel Expert Rating for this Stay: 4.5/5

Check the detailed review, photos, and videos for this stay: Know More!

Heritage Stay at Saswad

Don’t we all love living like a royal even if it is just for the weekend? But what if we tell you that you can experience it all near Mumbai and is approachable from Pune as well. Plush rooms, mesmerizing Maratha hospitality, eye for hygiene, safety, sanitization, and the warmth of nature would rejuvenate here without a doubt.

What is great about this stay? Visiting this regal getaway near Pune would make you feel like a royal couple for sure. This stay boasts of the best of Maratha hospitality, hygiene, sanitization, adventure activities, so every moment that you spend there would be nothing less than legendary and memorable.

Why should you visit it? This stay is not only near Pune but even families from Mumbai agree that it is one of the best royal getaways that they have ever visited nearby them. The vintage architecture there evokes a feeling of old-world – isn’t that what you are looking forward to already after the lockdown? As one of the rare heritage properties, it is maintained so well and has nice spacious rooms, unlike some heritage properties which have very small and dingy rooms.

Yuyiii’s Travel Expert Rating for this Stay: 4.5/5

Check the detailed review, photos, and videos for this stay: Know More!

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Festivals like Diwali, Bhai Dooj are one of those rare occasions when the entire family comes together. Because life keeps passing you. But, most importantly our sibling might be in some other city. Or due to the daily hustle, you folks hardly get time to catch up. That can keep happening to you both every year. But, Bhai Dooj comes as a reminder to reconnect with your sibling who knows you better than anyone else in the world. This Bhai Dooj because of Corona lockdown you might have to maintain social distancing, but still, happiness would find its way.

Celebration of Bhai Dooj

Sneaking away from mom and eating that ladoos, getting that extra cash from relatives — oh, the memories are just countless! Most importantly, won’t you like to cherish them all with your childhood’s partner-in-crime? Get ready to bask in that nostalgia without any chaos! How about going to some serene place and reliving the crazy sibling stories?

Because we know that you like to be surprised, we have some splendid recommendations of getaways near Delhi, family resorts near Mumbai, weekend getaways near Pune, Safe and Sanitised Resort Near Mumbai/Pune/Delhi, Resorts Near Mumbai/Pune/Delhi which allow Social Distancing. For this festive season you and your sibling would love them:


If you and your sibling are looking for weekend getaways in Maharashtra, then definitely consider Chiplun! A yet untouched destination, Chiplun lies on the detour of Mumbai-Goa highway. Piping hot vada pavs, abundant flora and splendid mountains there will remind you of nature camps that you and your sibling so loved!

Head there this Bhaidooj: Know more about the stays there!


The Venice of the East is one of the most accessible getaways near Delhi. If you and your sibling are art and culture connoisseurs, then Udaipur is a must-visit place. The backdrop of Pichola and Fateh Sagar lakes along with kulhad chai makes for one of the most cherished experiences that you siblings would relive for eternity.

Head there this Bhaidooj: Know more about the stays there!


This quaint hill station in Kumaon would take your breath away on the sibling trip, we are telling you! Upon that the embrace of Himalayas, the pink cold and gorging decadent Kumaoni food would make for the best sibling stories that you would share with your clan! So make plans, siblings?

Head there this Bhaidooj: Know more about the stays there!


Also known as ‘The Gateway of Paradise in Wayanad’, Lakkidi would definitely interest you and your sibling if you folks are nature lovers! The serene ghats, enchanting meadows and tribal warmth of Lakkidi shall bid you a farewell with smiles. Not too mention the Muthanga Elephant Camp nearby that would take you and sibling back to the good old days of watching the Discovery channel together.

Head there this Bhaidooj: Know more about the stays there!

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Festivals like Diwali, Bhai Dooj are one of those rare occasions when the entire family comes together. Because life keeps passing you. But, most importantly our sibling might be in some other city. Or due to the daily hustle, you folks hardly get time to catch up. That can keep happening to you both every year. But, Bhai Dooj comes as a reminder to reconnect with your sibling who knows you better than anyone else in the world. This Bhai Dooj because of Corona lockdown you might have to maintain social distancing, but still, happiness would find its way.

Celebration of Bhai Dooj

Sneaking away from mom and eating that ladoos, getting that extra cash from relatives — oh, the memories are just countless! Most importantly, won’t you like to cherish them all with your childhood’s partner-in-crime? Get ready to bask in that nostalgia without any chaos! How about going to some serene place and reliving the crazy sibling stories?

Because we know that you like to be surprised, we have some splendid recommendations of getaways near Delhi, family resorts near Mumbai, weekend getaways near Pune, Safe and Sanitised Resort Near Mumbai/Pune/Delhi, Resorts Near Mumbai/Pune/Delhi which allow Social Distancing. For this festive season you and your sibling would love them:


If you and your sibling are looking for weekend getaways in Maharashtra, then definitely consider Chiplun! A yet untouched destination, Chiplun lies on the detour of Mumbai-Goa highway. Piping hot vada pavs, abundant flora and splendid mountains there will remind you of nature camps that you and your sibling so loved!

Head there this Bhaidooj: Know more about the stays there!


The Venice of the East is one of the most accessible getaways near Delhi. If you and your sibling are art and culture connoisseurs, then Udaipur is a must-visit place. The backdrop of Pichola and Fateh Sagar lakes along with kulhad chai makes for one of the most cherished experiences that you siblings would relive for eternity.

Head there this Bhaidooj: Know more about the stays there!


This quaint hill station in Kumaon would take your breath away on the sibling trip, we are telling you! Upon that the embrace of Himalayas, the pink cold and gorging decadent Kumaoni food would make for the best sibling stories that you would share with your clan! So make plans, siblings?

Head there this Bhaidooj: Know more about the stays there!


Also known as ‘The Gateway of Paradise in Wayanad’, Lakkidi would definitely interest you and your sibling if you folks are nature lovers! The serene ghats, enchanting meadows and tribal warmth of Lakkidi shall bid you a farewell with smiles. Not too mention the Muthanga Elephant Camp nearby that would take you and sibling back to the good old days of watching the Discovery channel together.

Head there this Bhaidooj: Know more about the stays there!

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Known as the festival of lights, Diwali is loved by everyone. It brings together people from all walks of life. Rituals, good food, gifts definitely add to the festive camaraderie for those five days back to back. However, nothing beats that two-three day Diwali outing with your loved ones and extended family or friends. With Corona Lockdown, we might have to maintain social distancing with our loved ones. Therefore, we curated this list of Safe and Sanitised Resort Near Mumbai and Pune, Hygienic Resorts near Delhi. Quintessentially, for a soothing Weekend Road trip from Mumbai and Pune after Corona Lockdown do check them out:

Dazzle Up Your Diwali

Despite limited holidays that you might get from work, there are some beautiful destinations, weekend getaways near Pune, getaways near Delhi, family resorts near Mumbai , resorts near Pune for weekend in India that you could surely visit.

Where to go this Diwali after Corona Lockdown is Over?

Curated as per the accessibility from the nearest metropolitans and cities, we bet going to these places will definitely make your Diwali outing memorable.


The scenic views of Shendi are ineffable. Three hours from Pune and four hours from Mumbai, Shendi stuns you with its splendid lakes, waterfalls and surrounding Sahyadri range. The dreamy vibe there transports you to utopia and we won’t be surprised if Shendi lures you to visit it again and again.

Visit Shendi and a safe, sanitized stay there after the lockdown is over: Know more!


Lofty mountains, serene rivers, ancient caves, ancient temples and a plethora of adventure sports await you at Karjat. The best part about Karjat is also that it is just two hours away from Mumbai as well as Pune. So, you can nonchalantly unwind there during even a short break during Diwali.

Visit Karjat and a safe, sanitized stay there after the lockdown is over: Know more!


Shitlakhet is one of those rare hill getaways rather best weekend getaways from Delhi that have still managed to remain untouched. That’s the very reason why a nine-hour drive away from Delhi is worth it to experience its magic. The old-world charm and the resplendent mountains of Shitlakhet make you skip a heartbeat and we cannot recommend this weekend getaway near Delhi more to you for Diwali.

Visit Shitlakhet and a safe, sanitized stay there after the lockdown is over: Know more!


Searching for a weekend getaway near Mumbai this Diwali? Get going to Alibag because it is just a boat ride away and takes just within an hour to reach there. Its pristine beaches, palm trees, gushing ocean breeze will refresh you for sure. Miss going to this stunning weekend getaway near Pune this Diwali and it will be your loss.

Visit Kihim and a safe, sanitized stay there after the lockdown is over: Know more!

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Known as the festival of lights, Diwali is loved by everyone. It brings together people from all walks of life. Rituals, good food, gifts definitely add to the festive camaraderie for those five days back to back. However, nothing beats that two-three day Diwali outing with your loved ones and extended family or friends. With Corona Lockdown, we might have to maintain social distancing with our loved ones. Therefore, we curated this list of Safe and Sanitised Resort Near Mumbai and Pune, Hygienic Resorts near Delhi. Quintessentially, for a soothing Weekend Road trip from Mumbai and Pune after Corona Lockdown do check them out:

Dazzle Up Your Diwali

Despite limited holidays that you might get from work, there are some beautiful destinations, weekend getaways near Pune, getaways near Delhi, family resorts near Mumbai , resorts near Pune for weekend in India that you could surely visit.

Where to go this Diwali after Corona Lockdown is Over?

Curated as per the accessibility from the nearest metropolitans and cities, we bet going to these places will definitely make your Diwali outing memorable.


The scenic views of Shendi are ineffable. Three hours from Pune and four hours from Mumbai, Shendi stuns you with its splendid lakes, waterfalls and surrounding Sahyadri range. The dreamy vibe there transports you to utopia and we won’t be surprised if Shendi lures you to visit it again and again.

Visit Shendi and a safe, sanitized stay there after the lockdown is over: Know more!


Lofty mountains, serene rivers, ancient caves, ancient temples and a plethora of adventure sports await you at Karjat. The best part about Karjat is also that it is just two hours away from Mumbai as well as Pune. So, you can nonchalantly unwind there during even a short break during Diwali.

Visit Karjat and a safe, sanitized stay there after the lockdown is over: Know more!


Shitlakhet is one of those rare hill getaways rather best weekend getaways from Delhi that have still managed to remain untouched. That’s the very reason why a nine-hour drive away from Delhi is worth it to experience its magic. The old-world charm and the resplendent mountains of Shitlakhet make you skip a heartbeat and we cannot recommend this weekend getaway near Delhi more to you for Diwali.

Visit Shitlakhet and a safe, sanitized stay there after the lockdown is over: Know more!


Searching for a weekend getaway near Mumbai this Diwali? Get going to Alibag because it is just a boat ride away and takes just within an hour to reach there. Its pristine beaches, palm trees, gushing ocean breeze will refresh you for sure. Miss going to this stunning weekend getaway near Pune this Diwali and it will be your loss.

Visit Kihim and a safe, sanitized stay there after the lockdown is over: Know more!

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